André Andersson

Programmer, PlaygroundSquad 2015

Projects during my time at PlaygroundSquad:

Dofna (2016):

I was the lead gameplay programmer on Dofna. My main focuses during the project were implementing Havok and and creating the main puzzle in the game.

Project link

Labrys (2015):

I was the main programmer on Labrys. My main focuses during the project were creating a framework with Marcus Hansson which contained Lua for scripting and FMOD for audio. All the game logic comes from Lua.

Project link

Outpost Omega (2015):

I was the main programmer on Outpost Omega. My main focuses during the project were collision/path-finding, creating a particle system/editor, wave manager, and game pad support. I also implemented an instancing system for enemies, bullets, and shadows.

Project link

Student Choice:

For my student choice I decided to look in to why OGG is the most popular format for audio in games. For that I created a program using the official libraries to create a metadata reader for FLAC/OGG files.