★ Emma Tethrain ★

Designer, PlaygroundSquad 2022

Hiya! ♪

I'm Emma Tethrain and I'm an aspiring Narrative and Level Designer! Since young I have always loved to get lost in the worlds of games and to dive deep into the experiences they provide. I love psychology and love making sure everyone feels seen and heard. 

If you want to see projects I've worked on you can reach my portfolio by pressing the link Website above!

Game Project 1 - Call Of Dinner

Cooking Simulator & First Person Shooter

Call Of Dinner is a lovely mix of a first-person shooter and a cooking simulator. Your task is to kill ingredients that are trying to kill you and then cook them up and then serve them up to customers! Bon appétit!

★ I came up with the Game Concept, and had a leader position in the project

★ Created and Maintained the Game Design Document, Trello and Miro Board

★ Project Management

★ UI Design

★ I recorded SFX for the game

★ Made a Fire VFX

★ I did some Art for the "How to play" menu

Game Project 2 - Burglar

Horror VR

You break into an old lady's home to retrieve valuables for the mafia. What you don't know is that the lady of the house is not too keen on parting with her possessions, so now you have to both make it out alive and with the valuables.

★ Project Management

★ Maintaining GDD