Anastasia Johansson

Artist, PlaygroundSquad 2021

Greetings, traveler!

Name's Anastasia Lubov Elisabeth Johansson but most people know me by the nickname of "Anna". I am an aspiring VFX Artist with a long background in Traditional Painting, Digital 2D Concept Art & Illustration, 3D Modeling & Texturing and Lighting/Composition. I have been responsible for the creation of the majority of all VFX in all game projects that I have been involved in during my time here at PlaygroundSquad. Oftentimes taking on the role as Lead VFX Artist. I have learned a lot of things from PlaygroundSquad, but if I were to pick out the most important things I have learned during my time here, I would say that I have learned the most about performance optimization for games and scripting in C# from the perspective of an artist on a more technical level.

I am known by most to be very laid back... but tend to get very hyper when I see people talking about something I have a burning passion for, this could range from anything from VFX & Lighting in Games and Film, what techniques were used to create the specific effect or lighting to geeking out about classical symbolism and the use of color theory and shape language. I tend to watch movies that I like over and over, rewinding to specific points in the timeline to analyze how a special effect is made and then take inspiration from it to then replicate it in real-time to implement it in my own VFX. I am the type of person who first analyzes the whole of an object and then breaks it down to the smallest of details to see how all the puzzle pieces fit together.

Game Project 1: Return The Order

  • Conceptualize initial designs for the characters and the theme for the environments
  • Modeled minor environment props such as rocks and trees
  • Responsible for doing the lighting & lightbake of the environments

Game Project 2: Detached

  • Lead VFX Artist responsible for creating all the VFX systems (Shuriken Particle System & Visual Effects Graph) & texture creation
  • Conceptualizing designs of The Shadow

 Game Project 3: Draconic Rampage

  • Lead VFX Artist responsible for creating all the VFX systems (Niagara Particle System) & texture creation